Cube World

Cube World

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524.50 MB
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Familiar, but different.

Looking very similar to Minecraft, Cube World will have you feeling as though you should be building something. Leave the constructive urges in Minecraft. In this game, your goal is to explore and fight. Create your character, pick your battle preference and you are on your way. Just as with Minecraft, the worlds are never the same.
To start, you have to collect resources, such as wood, flowers and other items in order to create weapons, tools, potions and armor. Another similarity to Minecraft, except you can’t build with what you have collected and you cannot eliminate them. Just as with any other game, when your health runs out, you die. However, you can still gain experience points in death. Once you die, you can respawn at the second-closest respawn point and you won’t lose what you have in your inventory.
The combat system in Cube World is a little different. With the left mouse button, you can perform low blows or violent attacks, depending on speed. Powerful Boss opponents are randomly placed across the map of this huge open-world. In spite of looking like Lego blocks, Cube World is constructed of blocks that are brightly colored. There is enough variety in the environment to make it attractive and the lighting effects are great. Cube World has sophisticated block graphics that look better than that of Minecraft, but the audio gets to be a little monotonous. Cube World is a fun game if you want to take a break from stacking blocks in Minecraft.

Cube World
Cube World
Versiune 1
524.50 MB
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Comparație cu programele alternative:
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