Angry Birds - Star Wars

Angry Birds - Star Wars

Rovio Mobile Ltd.
Versiune 2.5.11
75.10 MB
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Alegerea editorului: Angry Birds - Star Wars 2.5.11

Choose your favorite trilogy (as a matter of fact, choose two), add the first game to crack the secret of success in the mobile era and you’ve got yourselves Angry Birds – Star Wars. This Angry Birds version is considered to be one of the best versions released, if not the best, for good reason. Download this PC version and enjoy playing it.

Joc video de acțiune pentru PC

A long time ago in a galaxy far away… a group of desperate rebel birds faced a galactic menace: the Empire’s evil Pig troopers!
The rebel birds, striking from a secret base, had won their first battle against the Empire’s pigs. During combat rebel spies manage to steal secret plans for the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the PIG STAR, and now they’re trying with all their might to pass on these plans to the rebel birds. Now, they need your help!
Join this epic adventure with Angry Birds in the universe of Star Wars. Use the Force, use your light saber and blow up Empire pigs on an intergalactic journey from the deserts of Tatooine to the depths of PIG STAR. There, you will face the frightening Darth Vader, the pig’s dark lord! Can you become a Jedi knight and restore the galaxy’s freedom?

Astro spune:

  • Instalează-l datorită Angry Birds
  • Instalează-l datorită Darth Vader
  • Instalează-le pentru că se completează atât de bine
  • Nu ne referim la jocul tău de acțiune obișnuit Star Wars, cum te-ai putea aștepta
Angry Birds - Star Wars
Angry Birds - Star Wars
Rovio Mobile Ltd.
Versiune 2.5.11
75.10 MB
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Comparație cu programele alternative:
Alternative la Angry Birds - Star Wars - Diagrama comparativă a programelor:
Numele aplicației
Dimensiune fișier
Un joc pe calculator bazat pe fizică
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36.10 MB
Joc cu spargere de bule
2.5K Descărcări
2.00 MB
Un joc de acțiune cu platformă 3D cu 45 de nivele
3.4K Descărcări
1.10 MB
Flota nemulțumită se îndreaptă spre Rio.
1.2K Descărcări
Joc pentru PC cu o pasăre care zboară drept tematică
7.1K Descărcări
Puii au dreptul de a se apăra! Ultimul joc Chicken Invaders.
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0.33 MB

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