HTC Sync

HTC Sync

Versiune 0.1278125
157.20 MB
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Sync your HTC phone with your PC using HTC sync.

Transferring files between your PC and HTC phone has never been so easy. With the HTC Sync, you can sync all your content in style. The HTC Sync Manager for computer makes life easy by helping sync all of your media on your computer and your HTC phone.
If you think such convenience comes at a price, it does not in this case. The HTC Sync Manager application is a completely free software for PC users which can not only use to sync data, but sync all your contacts, events, bookmarks as well as your calendar entries. If you want to transfer any documents from your computer to your HTC phone, the HTC Sync Manager can handle that as well. If you have any documents you created using your HTC phone, you can transfer them to your computer and resume working or editing the documents.
HTC Sync Manager does not just give you the convenience and ease of syncing your data across two platforms, but can help you keep your HC organized and manage it all with ease. You can make certain changes to your phone with the HTC manager to make it look more accessible and also back up your data to keep it all safe no matter what happens to your phone.
The HTC Sync Manager supports a range of HTC devices, so whether you have the latest HTC M9, the HTC desire, or the HTC Butterfly, you can get the software and get your world rocking with the HTC Sync Manager.

HTC Sync
HTC Sync
Versiune 0.1278125
157.20 MB
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Comparație cu programele alternative:
Alternative la HTC Sync - Diagrama comparativă a programelor:
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Dimensiune fișier
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